3 tips for baristas: How to batch your drinks correctly?

23 April 2024

Batch your drinks during service

We often see in coffee shops basically training baristas who have not been trained in efficient drinks making with behaviours such as making one drink at a time or making drinks in an inefficient order. This leads to slow service times, drinks starting to go cold before the guest even receives them and ultimately, a frustrated customer.In this blog post we want to help you think about the way in which you would want to batch drinks during service to ensure your guests receive a higher quality experience and lead to less complaints which lead to drinks being re-made.

Some examples of issues to be aware of include barista’s making espresso’s first, making drinks one at a time to name a few and this can lead to some unhappy guests which may mean they never return leaving your business out of pocket.

So how do you go about batching your drinks correctly?

  1. Drinks temperature One of the first things you will need to think about is the temperature of the drinks. A large 12oz Americano is going to stay hotter a lot longer than an double shot of espresso or a milk based flat white, so we would recommend you start your drink order with either any iced based drinks, or your americano’s and teas as these will stay at a much more constant temperature for longer.
  2. Milk order Next, we will then want to look at our milk based beverages, a latte will stay warmer longer than a flat white due to the volume of milk so you would want to make the larger of the drinks next to ensure the smaller drinks stay hotter. Before finally finishing on your smaller drinks such as espresso’s and macchiatos.
  3. Drinks batching You will also want to think about making some of these drinks at the same time where possible which we have helped share our tips here 

Find below the order in which we would approach our drinks:

  1. Iced based drinks (iced lattes, cold brew etc)
  2. Tea
  3. Americano
  4. Latte
  5. Cappuccino
  6. Flat White
  7. Cortado
  8. Espresso, Macchiato, Ristretto

Iorn and Fire offer a comprehansive barista trianing programme which includes all aspects of making and serving coffee. This is supported with a valuable video trianing series for your baristas to access to learn everything from machine care and maintenance to drinks serving and making. If you’d like some additional support please don’t hesitate in getting in touch regarding a trade customer training

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